Stop struggling with Social Media and Marketing 

Hey Influencer on the rise

Show me how

Sell the problem you solve, not the product you have 

Did you know there is actually a whole heck of a lot of human psychology that goes into marketing - and understanding how that works is a big part of your online presence success. If you are marketing to anyone you have to first know your ideal audience and then tailor make your content for them, and them alone. 

So you do not have to make the logo bigger- just have to make the story more cultivated. 

Educates you on marketing/Sales Strategies 

Elevates your brand presence 

Removes the guess work from social media marketing 

Shows you how to show up authentically 

Your brand should be both a reflection of YOU and your dream customer/client. Staying consistent with your marketing/social media is key for success. This course- 

When the vision is clear, strategy is easy

Teach me more

Your brand is your WHY and your marketing should be your HOW. 



Marketing & Social Media Mini Course

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This course covers all my tips and tricks for online marketing, and social media posting to help elevate your business and build not just an online presence but brand awareness and the ability to market directly to your ideal client/customer. Oh and the best part? They will never see it coming! 

The goal of marketing is not to attract everyone, the goal is to attract the people that resonate with you and your brand. 

Scroll to the next 

This course will help you to identify your brand vision and what you stand for as a business and what you offer. This is a crucial first step when marketing and posting to social media with the hopes to grow and attract your ideal clients.  

Brand Vision- What you Stand for and what your business IS. 

These are the final steps when it comes to social media and marketing approaches. Your voice, visuals and value are all the important aspects to brand awareness and a successful online presence. Are you ready to learn more and have a social media strategy that is much more than "just post every day"? Lets dive in! 

Voice, Value, Visuals; how you communicate, what you provide, and how you share



This course will give you examples and ideas of different strategies to utilize when posting online. The key is not just frequency, but also quality of what you post. Learn how to hook your viewers within seconds and learn what style of content is most successful for your business. This will vary business to business and a little hard work goes a long way. 

03. List out content strategies that work 

Now that you know your goal- who is your "target audience" and the people or niche you should be marketing to? If you do not stick to this market your brand will not have the growth you crave within your business. 

02. Identify who you are speaking to online 

As a small business we all have unique goals and outcomes we are hoping to achieve, and identifying exactly what your goal is online is the crucial first step to social media marketing success. This course will help you to identify what that is in your brand and within your business so that you can follow the next steps in a way that truly pays off. 

01. Identify your ideal outcome/goal 

Creating a social media content strategy 

count me in →

Section four; Marketing Tools 

This section covers how you will build trust and curate an engaged audience, with tips on things like "what to do before and after posting" etc. 

Section Three; Building trust & an engaged audience

This section is all about the actual content you will create and we go over creating captivating content, how to HOOK your audience, apps used, reels strategies and more.

Section two; Creating engaging content

In this section we identify your target audience, and we address how you will cater to them specifically. How to market directly to your ideal clients. 

Section one; Your target Audience

Lets cover it section by section-

Section Five; Facebook 

Say you finish the course and have a better understanding of what you need to do, but are still at a loss of where to start and hold yourself accountable..... I have the solution for that too with my content schedule and 30 days of post ideas. 

BONUS: A list of posting accountability and content ideas 

Dont worry my friend, this course covers the small but important details like editing your content, apps i use, and how to select trending sounds and content for the best results. 

Not sure what music to use? Or what Apps to use to edit your reels?

You want viewers to see your content and think "oh i love her stuff" and not be turned off or annoyed right? I AGREE! This course dives into the psychology of social media marketing and engaging content. 

Want to push out content that is engaging and entertaining? 

Do you want to authentically and organically market without feeling pushy? This is the course for you. Book more clients effortlessly when you change this mind set. 

How to target your ideal audience and market to them without being salesy 

Marketing & Social Media Mini Course

This is something I curated over weeks and months so you do not have to. TONS of pins at your fingertips that will help you with blogging, pinterest and online marketing. These are not MY pins but are other professionals who have content out there to help you- I have just taken the countless hours of searching for this content out of the equation for you and given you easy access to these resources as an added bonus. 

Access to my private Pinterest Board full of blog ideas and marketing tips 

bonus! BONUS! BONUS!


If you want to have an actual strategy and not just be blindly posting with hopes of success- this mini course is the best start for you. I am so excited for you, friend! 

I grew my social media following during the prime time when the algorithm seemed to work for you and not against you and when that all changed I had to make a drastic change in my approach. I took a few social media and marketing classes for my career in dental over a decade ago and used some of that knowledge to curate an online presence that WORKS for my business and want to see you have that success as well. 

I want to see you flourish

If social media and marketing does not make sense to you 

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Save up to 30% 

Your membership discounts STILL apply 

You can bundle ALL mini courses by WPP

You can bundle with several other mini courses

Save with Bundles 


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One Time Investment

Flourish Members get 15% off with coupon

Immediate content access 

One time investment; lifetime access

marketing and social media mini course

Creator of:

Hey friends! My name is Amanda and I am a photography educator and family photographer who travels the country pouring into other creatives at workshops, and photographing and telling other family's story any chance i get. I absolutely love being wrapped up in a good book, going to flea markets, and being a mom. My best friend is honest to goodness my husband and we love the life we get to lead together with our 5 kiddos in southwest Missouri. I created Flourish Library for the creative heart and photographers yearning to elevate their business. One attainable mini course at a time! 

I am a small town girl who has a love affair with sunsets, crisp autumn air, and is a crazy chicken lady.

Meet the teacher....

You are NOT willing to put in work / Don't need an online presence / Or you are thriving with your marketing

this program is not for you if:

You are wanting to have a social media strategy / You are looking for REAL change / You are up for a CHALLENGE 

This mini course is for you if; 

give me clarity →

You want to be the first person your ideal client thinks of when they are ready to invest in what you have. This is not achieved with sales pitches and scarcity attempts of "book now while spots last- going fast!!!" Nope- we will gain trust, build relationships and offer a value that is so much bigger and they will come to you. 

You can book your dream clients with targeted marketing

With your new found understanding of your brand, and your target audience you can curate an online presence that effortlessly draws in the ideal followers who lead to actual business growth and not just a lot of likes on your posts. At the end of the day we want real connections, and real clients not just a big number on our IG page, right? RIGHT. Lets switch up that strategy and make numbers that matter- number of clients, number of sales. 

You can have success and growth on social media

Don't let another day of algorithm confusion stop you from marketing your business 

there has never been a better time.

Absolutely! Several mini courses in Flourish Library pair together seamlessly and are amazing compliments to one another and have been graciously paired together in bundles that can save you 15-30% when you buy both at once. You can also purchase a BIG BUNDLE and save as well, by choosing to purchase all mini courses together. Please note- discounts can not be applied post purchase- so please purchase solo courses with care. 

Can I bundle courses and save?


NOPE! Most of the course is videos of me explaining and demonstrating exactly what I am teaching- so you can even listen when editing, or in the car if you would like to have a refresher after watching the visuals. 

Is this course all PDFs and reading? 


Due to the immediate access and instant course material sign in after purchase, there is no refunds or exchanges for any reason. This includes if you forget to enter your coupon you might have from the monthly membership! Please purchase with care and enter all coupons and emails with diligence. 

What is the refund policy? 


This course is designed with the busy small business owner in mind and is organized into bite sized lessons/modules that are easy to follow, and digest. When growing my educational offerings it was important to me to offer courses that could be accessed on the students schedule- at anytime, anywhere. A lot of the lessons are videos with clear audio so you can stream and listen even when you are driving, or editing. Pairing with the visual learning is ideal, but you can watch and rewatch at your leisure. 

I am short on free time... Is this still for me?


Each mini course, and the monthly membership in Flourish Library are all stand alone content purchases and none of the content overlaps into another. Purchasing a course, you can confidently assume that all education is exclusive to that particular purchase. The monthly membership may cover newborn edits or sessions but will be unique lessons separate from this course's lessons. 

Do I need this if i am in the monthly membership? 


A mini course in Flourish Library is like a bite sized mentorship focusing on one specific topic, or niche. It is similar in the way that it is education from one photographer to another. It is different in the way that it is not a back and forth of information, it is a one time purchase of a content course that is pre-created with photography growth in mind. Student/teacher access is more limited. It is similar to purchasing presets - a transaction. 

Is this a mentorship?


Have Questions? I've got Answers


my art